
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Jillie Reil-The Cougar Of Comedy
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Jillie Reil IS The Cougar of Comedy and one helluva a talented writer, actress, comedian and producer of shows to benefit the troops!
Jillie sits down with us to share details of her awesome upbringing in small town Minnesota with a mom who worked at a toy factory, enjoying a bedroom full of Michael Jackson posters and running around town with her girl gang The Trailer Park Girls. Guest co-host Chad Ridgely chimes in with how they met and she shares how he accidentally flattered her on a music video set which now helps her drive more traffic to her website. Plus the story about one of her best friends who encouraged her to get out of her “nerd” shell and audition and join the dance team.
We also get a glimpse of the music that inspired her to move to California and study to become a lawyer and made a hard right turn to land in Hollywood. This inspires a defining conversation about loving local music and whether you are allowed to crank songs from No Doubt, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sublime or Tupac while living in Southern California.
Then we wrap up with our First and Last Concert stories. Keep up with Jillie Reil and her music and projects at her website www.thecougarofcomedy.com. Contact the show at www.ytunesshuffle.com.

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Anastasia Washington
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
ANASTASIA WASHINGTON is an actress, writer, singer, comedian and filmmaker who has recorded with artists like Michael Jackson, and Harry Connick Jr. She's made appearances on The Addams Family Series, Die Hard 2 and La Femme Nikkita and even featured on LadySpike with her piece “8 Things Not To Say To Your Biracial Friend.” Her comedic genius rolls over into creating parody songs as well.
Through her Fave5 songs she shares what she's been up to during quarantine to stay creative and sane, how her mom is so much cooler than she is, learn about what it is like growing up in a biracial family, plus her first love and the songs that allow her to have that "super emo moment" as an adult.
We also get a chance to bond with Anastasia over her love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and how another tv show almost influenced her career choice and that everywhere is a good place to perform (even in the stands at Sea World!)
Did you like the songs? Want to know more about the artists? Check out the song nuggets on our blog at ytunesshuffle.com.
We wrap up the show with her First and Last Concert experience...if you would like to chat with Anastasia about her music or her creative endevours, follow her on Instagram.
You can email the show at ytunesshuffle@gmail.com. Thanks for checking us out!

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Angie Stocker
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
ANGIE STOCKER is a Los Angeles based comedian and business owner! She runs Highly Crafty, a weed inspired craft shop on Etsy featuring leggings, purses, accessories jewelry and cards. She also runs a YouTube Channel of the same name “Highly Crafty” teaching folks how to make awesome crafts at home like candles or dish towels.
In this episode we learn all about how she got started in comedy and performed at the iconic Comedy Cellar in NYC for her FIRST TIME! Through her Fave5 songs, we discover her Illinois roots and these wild dreams she'd have of modeling in Paris, to finding her fellow theater nerds and what her dream role would be in a musical. Plus we dive into where we fell on the EastCoast/West Coast battle of the 90s and how a dance team routine to a Tupac Biggie mashup tore apart the town.
We play Band Or Bar in Laguna Beach, CA before learning out her First and Last Convert experiences. You can find links to all of her endeavors and connect with the show at ytunesshuffle.com.

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Avi Greene: Performer and Cofounder of Feel Alive Foods
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Avi Greene is a personal trainer and nutrition coach. She is the co-founder of Feel Alive Foods a company that helps people on restrictive diets (due to autoimmunue disorders, diabetes or heart issues) with food prep and create meals with flavor! She is advenurous, mom of 3, musically obsessed and regularly plays piano for her Instagram followers.
Avi joins Maggi and Dave to share about how she started her amazing business Feel Alive Foods before divulging us with her performance-based past. Avi shares songs and stories that reminder her of her dad (plus she raps a song he wrote for her as a kid!)
One of the songs on her list makes our hosts cry and deters us into a conversation about relationships and what makes them work!
Avi explores the idea of unlearning a lof of childhood lessons to become more empowered and what it looks like to teach these new ideals to her young daughter.
We play a round of Band Or Bar in New York before diving into First and Last Concert stories where Maggi surprises us with how she got out of a speeding ticket with radio tee-shirts.
Keep up with Avi on Instagram and her business Feel Alive Foods as well. You can learn more about the artsists featured on the show at ytunesshuffle.com.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Charlie Hester
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Meet Charlie Hester. A Dirty Ray of Sunshine.
In this special rereleased episode, we learn all about how she got started with a ukulele and her rituals before performing stand up comedy...that she can name. Plus, learn about the coolest show in the Midwest (that she hosts and created) and the John Register. A sign in sheet for the toilet. She shares songs that she learned from her kids, how she balances parenting and performing, and what she hopes her kids will take away and grow up with.
We learn all about what makes small town Illinois special and all of the famous people from her hometown before we dive into her First Concert Experience.
Learn more about the music she brought to the show on our blog.
Keep up with Charlie and find all of her social media profiles at www.charliehestercomedy.com

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Jimmy 'G' Gonzales
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Jimmy G Gonazales is a successful business owner of No1Betta Entertainment. He brings the party/DJ/Karaoke to private parties for Hollywood's elite.
Through his music we learn all about his almost hook up with Cher, what it was like growing up in Los Angeles with his grandmother who only spoke Spanish, the song that made him cry as a kid and how his mother would play it often to see if it would still work.
Jimmy shares what cemented his love for Hip Hop and how growing up in the middle of a turf war pushed him into comedy.
Plus he shares how he came to sing with people like Celine Dion and Kelsey Grammar!
If you enjoyed the music and want to learn more about the artists and their songs, check out our blog!
We play a difficult round of Band Or Bar in Pittsburgh, PA before learning about his incredible First Concert and Last Concert where a mosh pit went horrible wrong.
Keep up with Jimmy on Instagram or Facebook and remember, you can always message the show at www.ytunesshuffle.com.

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Steve Lava
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Steve "Lava" Lavapies is an executive producer and writer who has run a number of TV and digital shows for Comedy Central and various online platforms including the program "Ridiculousness."
Through his music, we learn all about his start in comedy at the University of Pennsylvania with the college's sketch group "Mask And Wig." He shares his move to New York City story and how different living in the Big Apple was from his hometown of Wheeling, West Virginia. He gives us an inside scoop of what it was like working with Comedy Central and how he met his wife...plus how they came up for the names for his daughters. Bonus: an amazing story about his parents during WWII France.
If you loved the songs and want to know more, check out our YTunes Shuffle Nuggets Blog...extra stories and facts about the artists and songs.
We finish up the episode with our favorite game show Band Or Bar which takes place in Portland, Maine before we dive into First and Last Concert Stories.
Anything you loved about the show? Send an email anytime to ytunesshuffle@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Bobbie Oliver
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Bobbie Oliver is a Georgia native comedian who has learned the comedy ropes through touring and just aiming to make the experience better for everyone. You have seen her on TNN and The Style Network and runs a comedy club called Tao Comedy Studio in Los Angeles which is a female and LGBT friendly space where classes, mics, shows AND a yearly festival takes place.
Through her music, we learn all about growing up in a trailer in the heart of Georgia with three MUCH older brothers, how she figured out she was funny in high school, when she realized you COULD be a comedian and how she started a comedy group in college because the first open mic she went to told her she was too young. From there we learn about her life on the road as a comic, how the man she'd end up marrying first depsized her and the music he introduced her to wound up becoming the inspiration for her yearly comedy festival.
If you enjoyed the songs, learn more about the artists in our blog!
Then, we wrap up the episode with the First and Last Concert experience.
Keep up to date with Bobbie Oliver, her Greatest Hits album due out soon, and everything Tao Comedy Studio.
And you are always welcome to reach out to the show. We are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @YTunesShuffle.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Guy (Dark) Laravee
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Guy (Dark) Laravee is a longtime radio host who grew up in Falls River, Massachusetts. Through his music we learn all about how he got into radio (by being the obsessed little boy that called his favorite station), the bizarre way he met a very special woman through this career choice, and how ball room dancing really took center stage in his life as an escape from working and being "ON" all the time.
Fun fact, GUY was actually Maggi's boss for a long time in Appleton/Oshkosh, WI. If you loved his song choices, you can learn more about the artists in our most recent blog. https://ytunesshuffle.blogspot.com/2020/04/ytunes-shuffle-with-guy-dark-and-his.html
The we head to Toledo, OH for BAND or BAR, before we wrap up with the stories of his First and Last Concert.
Keep up with Guy on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and you can always reach out to the show for more at ytunesshuffle@gmail.com.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Sandy Stec With Special Guest Mark Wallengren
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Sandy Stec is a comedian and radio host currently residing in San Francisco. She loves hikes and road trips and Christmas! Her episode was co-hosted alongside Maggi Mayfield with Los Angeles based radio talent Mark Wallengren.
Sandy Stec has worked with comedians like Kevin Hart, Chelsea Handler and Arsenio Hall and has performed regularly on Norwegian Cruise Lines. These are Sandy's #Fave5 and a little bit extra about the artist and song.
The three have been co-workers for years and in this episode you hear lots of behind the scenes stuff in the radio industry and the songs that mean the most to your hosts.
We start off by describing our new realities of working from home, what we are wearing, drinking and seeing before diving right into the music. Each radio personality describes a song that reminds them of an early job in their career! Then Mark and Maggi are taken on an emotional ride with Sandy as she shares her #Fave5 songs. We learn about how solo trips and hikes are a refresh/reset button, why you can't always possibly be "on," the emotional toll the COVID-19 pandemic is taking on broadcasters as well as a great story about how Google Translate failed her in France.
Sandy also opens up and shares her "Samantha Jones" moment during a recent trip in Nashville. Plus, Mark dishes out some great road trip advice.
The episode wraps up with the stories of everyone's First and Last Concert Experience before a few final words from Mark Wallengren ensuring that post-broadcast life is A-Ok!
Learn more about the songs and artists that Sandy Stec brought to the show in our blog.
Find Sandy on Twitter and Instagram.
Find Mark on Twitter and Instagram.
And you are always welcome to reach out to the show at ytunesshuffle@gmail.com or on Twitter and Instagram.